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What is Holistic Abdominal Relief Therapy?

Holistic Abdominal Relief Therapy is also known as the H.A.R.T. Method

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This method is a unique synthesis of Maya Abdominal Therapy with Techniques from the Aztec, Nahuatl, Otomi and Mixteca cultures. The H.A.R.T. Method goes beyond traditional Maya Abdominal Therapy that is —offers deeply supportive, profound, elegant treatments and classes which may aid in alleviation of reproductive, urinary, digestive and back pain issues for individuals.

It all starts with the Holistic Abdominal Relief Therapy. Kimberly Hart, founder of Adagio Holistic Therapies, first learned this amazing healing method from the Maya tradition. Often known as Maya Abdominal Therapy, this technique traditionally helps reproductive health, fertility, prenatal, postnatal, digestive issues, urinary challenges, back pain and many other concerns.

After studying for well over a decade in the Maya Medicine tradition with many teachers (Maestros), Kimberly then began learning with Elders of the Nahuatl, Aztec, Mixteca, and Otomi, Ancient European and Eastern Traditions. Thus, adding to her knowledge of the Abdominal Therapies as well as additional traditional healing methods.

Kimberly also developed special techniques in response to requests and health challenges from clients and midwives in the United States and Minnesota area. After working with clients successfully applying this Unified Method for many years, Kimberly’s teacher in the Nahuatl, Aztec Traditions and Curanderismo, Rita Navarrete Perez, was insistent that she teach what she has learned and developed. Rita stated that the medicine is needed and must be spread to help the people.


What is it?

The H.A.R.T. Method – Beyond Maya Abdominal Therapy is a combination of comprehensive ancient techniques as well as conventional wisdom, much of which has been known and practiced by healers for thousands of years. It represents several indigenous lineages handed down from generation to generation of midwives, healers and Wisdom Elders. The treatments assist in improving the vital flow of fluids and energy to nourish and repair the reproductive, urinary, and digestive organs/systems…as well as increase mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being.

The H.A.R.T. Method: Holistic Abdominal Relief Therapy is an external, non-invasive and nurturing treatment of the abdominal area and pelvis. Curating the treatment for the whole of the individual we are working with, we utilize hands, cups, herbs and other modalities to assist in the return of digestive, urinary and reproductive organs to their appropriate anatomical position.


Why do it?

The organs of the abdomen and pelvis, including the uterus, ovaries, prostate and intestines, may have shifted, or become swollen or inflamed, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chu’lel (chi). Blockage of the flow of fluids and chu’lel through the pelvis can be a primary cause for a long list of symptoms. These may include but are not limited to: pelvic floor pain or dysfunction, digestive issues, poor circulation in legs, prostate enlargement or discomfort, low back pain, frequent urination and incontinence, bladder infections, fertility challenges, painful periods, irregular periods, PMS, vaginal yeast conditions, endometriosis, painful intercourse, varicose veins, endocrine (hormonal) issues, and aching legs to name a few.


What causes this to happen?

Poor pelvic alignment, car accidents, chronic constipation and straining and other stresses to the ligaments that support the abdominal and reproductive organs, falls to the sacrum, running on cement surfaces, repeated pregnancies close together and extended pushing during childbirth, are some examples of what might create susceptibility to issues like those listed above.


What is a treatment like?
This varies for each individual; however, a basic treatment involves a discussion of your medical and lifestyle history, symptoms and goals for treatment. We will assess the pelvic alignment, pelvic/abdominal tension, swelling or position of your internal digestive, and urogenital organs all with nurturing gentle non-invasive work with your abdomen, low-back and legs. The Beyond Maya Abdominal Therapy techniques will also aid you in treating yourself at home via many self care treatments enabling the support of your health goals to be also within your own hands.